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Fun versus Offensive - Balancing the Cultural Edge of Content for Global Games
Price $5.95
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SKU GDC-06-048
Fun versus Offensive - Balancing the Cultural Edge of Content for Global Games,

Business and Management, Lecture

Tom Edwards
Principal Consultant & Owner, Englobe Inc.
Games are meant to be entertaining, engaging and above all, fun. However, if in-game and/or game-related content crosses the tenuous boundary from fun to offensive, the experience for the game player - as well as the potential success of the game title – changes entirely. The core focus of this lecture is thus to enlighten and educate attendees on managing the challenging balance between fun and offensive content. Through the presentation of the primary conceptual issues and the employment of practical, timely examples, the presenter demonstrates how political and cultural issues can severely affect the pre-release development, post-release consumer perception and ultimately the overall global business potential of individual game titles and the industry as a whole. The lecture concludes with practical advice on essential steps content developers can take to decrease offensive elements while maintaining their edge and keeping the game fun for a global audience.

Attendees to this unique lecture benefit from the following: a new and different take on content concerns as a team considers the global distribution (intended or unintended) of their final product; an introduction to the potential political and cultural risks of game content; a firm understanding of how fun content can become potentially offensive; exposure to key examples that illustrate the cultural challenges of releasing global games; and practical knowledge of how to more effectively manage political and cultural content risks.

This lecture is appropriate for all audiences; virtually anyone seriously involved in game development. However, it is most applicable and useful to game designers, user assistance/editors and content developers who conceive, create and/or manage game content. The talk is also very appropriate and necessary for business management and legal personnel who must often deal with customer and/or local government feedback on their game concepts and manage the post-release expectations of their products. A rudimentary understanding of the general game development process is helpful, as is a basic awareness of the localization requirements for most game titles.

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