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Wake up! Your Team is on Fire! Why Your Real Problems Are Cultural and How to Change Them
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SKU GDC10-10311
Wake up! Your Team is on Fire! Why Your Real Problems Are Cultural and How to Change Them
Speaker: Michael Saladino (Senior Producer, Electronic Arts - Pandemic)
Date/Time: Thursday (March 11, 2010) 3:00pm — 4:00pm
Location (room): Room 305, South Hall
Track: Production
Secondary Track: Business and Management
Format: 60-minute Lecture
Experience Level: Advanced

Session Description
What's the difference between a manager and a leader? One key separator is the ability to drive a cultural shift on a team, in a studio or across a global organization. It's being able to identify a systemic problem and methodically refocus the lens that everyone is using until each person understands the change they must embody. But this sounds like a job for the GM or VP of Organizational Effectiveness. Not at all: any leader at any level can drive change from the grassroots as I've done inside Electronic Arts.

Intended Audience
Since anyone has the capacity to lead change, anyone can gain insight from this presentation about themselves, their teams or their companies. There is no heavy prerequisite of technical, artistic, design or even management knowledge. All that is needed is an open mind to think about and question how our institutions are built and behave.

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