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Storefront > GDC Vault Store - Audio Recordings > GDC 2007
The New Era of Mobile Games: Advertising and Sponsorship
Speakers: Eric Goldberg, Gene Keenan, John Hadl, Jonathan Epstein, Kristin McDonnell, Michael Chang, Roger Wood
Track: Mobile: Deals & Distribution
Format: Panel
Experience Level: All
Description: Mobile gaming is on the brink of a massive transformation from a pay- per-download business to an advertiser-supported business. In every corner of the globe, mobile network operators and game publishers are experimenting with radical approaches to marketing and selling mobile games beyond the constraints of the mobile storefront. The ad-supported business model has suddenly gained currency among many who resisted just a few years ago. - Will it work? - Will ad revenue across a much greater potential user base supplant the loss of revenue from direct consumer fees? - What will happen to mainstay categories such as casual games and parlor games when free sponsored versions are available? - How can publishers and developers position themselves today to prepare for an evolving marketplace? - How soon will the big consumer brand companies invest in mobile gaming? - What results and performance metrics must the game companies deliver in order to demonstrate the merits of their wares? - What policies will the major carriers enforce for in-game advertising? - Who speaks for the consumer? - How will success be measured in this new environment? A stellar panel of experts will answer these questions in detail during this exclusive GDC Mobile session. Find out who will benefit and who will lose ground as the industry braces for this fundamental shift.
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