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Storefront > GDC Vault Store - Audio Recordings > GDC 2007
The First Decade of Mobile Games (Tue)
Speakers: Robert Tercek
Track: Mobile: Vision
Format: 60-minute Keynote
Experience Level: All
Description: Next year, 2008, will mark the 10-year anniversary of the first games for mobile phones. What can we learn from the first decade of this new platform? What will come next? In his keynote address, Robert Tercek traces the major milestones in the evolution of a new medium. This keynote speech provides examples of the games which signify the turning points, breakthroughs and pitfalls of the recent past as well as an analysis of the trends and emerging developments which herald a major shift in the mobile games market of the near future. This talk will take a global perspective on the mobile gaming phenomenon, and will provide an introductory context for the themes of the rest of the day's events. Don't miss this session's intriguing glimpse at the next wave of wireless innovation.
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