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Sensors: Tapping Into Data with Personal Meaning
Price $3.95
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SKU ADC13-26905_OLTE
Sensors: Tapping Into Data with Personal Meaning
Jojo Roy | CEO, Sequence

Location: 502 B
Date: Wednesday, November 06
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Format: Session
Discipline: Business & Marketing
Track: Health & Wellness Apps, Lifestyle Apps
Vault Recording: Video

The proliferation of sensors baked into mobile devices and emerging wearable platforms presents an explosion of data sources that can help us track and improve everything from our workouts, to our daily activity, to our stress and emotions. But deriving meaning, motivation, and action from this new data requires a careful balance of elements like user experience design, sensor technology selection, and a well-considered device ecosystem. In this session, Sequence CEO Jojo Roy will provide an overview of new and notable sensor-driven experiences, as well as the challenges associated with developing these types of devices and apps. Many of his observations will be grounded in Sequence's experiences incubating Senstream, a novel platform that combines sensors, apps, and the cloud to enable people to measure and manage their emotions and stress levels.
While intense market pressures force companies large and small to rush their sensor-driven devices and apps to launch, it's critical to get the details right. Hardware and software design, measurement accuracy, device durability, data storage, and privacy are some of the more important factors any player in the space must understand to succeed.

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