Premium Phone Graphics: The New Generation of Mobile 3D Gaming Speakers: Gareth Vaughan Track: Mobile: 3D & Programming Format: Tutorial Experience Level: Intermediate Description: M3G (JSR-184) has brought 3D graphics to the masses. With 100s of phone models, many of them mass-market devices, the standard offers a massive market for 3D game developers. Work is now underway on M3G 2.0 which will make the advances features of OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware available to Java game developers. ARM, M3G engine vendor and member of the M3G 2.0 expert group, presents an overview of the new standard paying particular attention to the new features available in version 2.0. and shows some example content that show how the new features can be used to develop beautiful mobile games. Idea Takeaway: Attendees gain insight into a new version of the standard that will continue to be dominant for 3D gaming in the mass market, and see examples of the type of graphical content that will be used in games in 2008 and onwards. Intended Audience: This talk is of interest to anyone involved in creating, selling, playing or delivering Java games. Those with a working knowledge of M3G 1.x benefit most but the presentation is designed for a general audience. |