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Pandora: Making the Successful Transition from Web to App
Price $3.95
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SKU ADC13-26628_ENOQ
Pandora: Making the Successful Transition from Web to App
Tom Conrad | CTO, Pandora

Location: 502 A
Date: Wednesday, November 06
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Format: Session
Discipline: Design & UI, Programming & Architecture
Track: Entertainment Apps, Lifestyle Apps
Vault Recording: Video

Pandora started on the Web in 2005 and has successfully made the transition to mobile, starting in 2008 as a first mover app on the iPhone. Today, more than 80 percent of time spent with mobile media happens via apps and Pandora is one of the most downloaded and used. Approximately 50% of smartphone users in the U.S. have listened to Pandora in the past month and more than 80% of Pandora listening today takes place on mobile and other connected devices. But how do you design a best in class experience when the primary use case is for the ears? This session will explore how Pandora has designed, scaled and monetized for mobile, achieving cross-platform success by being laser focused on the simplicity of the core product.
Attendees will learn how to transition from Web to App development to achieve cross-platform success. Topics covered include the role Big Data plays in successful design as well as best practices for monetizing mobile apps. Pandora's approach to API will be explained as well. Finally, attendees will learn to recognize when they have over-designed a mobile app, so they can better balance features with a clean and simple UX.

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