Managing Copyright Issues in Videogames and Virtual Worlds
Speaker: Sean Kane (Attorney, Drakeford & Kane LLC)
Date/Time: Wednesday (September 17, 2008) 3:00pm — 4:00pm
Location (room): Room 6
Track: Online Games - Business & Marketing
Format: 60-minute Lecture
Experience Level: Intermediate
Session Description
This lecture will generally examine the current state of applicable copyright laws in the US and internationally. It will discuss the various forms of works that may be subject to copyright protection including, but not limited to, literary, musical, artistic and dramatic works, sound recordings and films, as they relate to the relevant videogame and virtual world environments. The presentation will also answer questions about the potential liability for the use of real world buildings, automobiles and other physical products within the digital realms and the rights and responsibilities of platform owners and operators and players. Finally, the presentation will cover the differing treatment of the interplay of player and developer rights as have been decided by the US & Asian courts.
Idea Takeaway
Attendees will learn that the US and International Copyright laws are fully applicable to the Videogame and Virtual World space and companies that ignore this do so at their own peril. Therefore, upon conclusion of the program attendees will understand that the potential pitfalls and that gaming companies must balance their desire to quickly develop products and gain market share with their potential exposure for violations of the rights of another's IP assets.
Intended Audience
The intended audience for this session are individuals involved in the management, legal and development portion of the industry. It would be the decision makers and idea generators who dictate company strategy and focus of game development. |