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From Old Masters to Expressionism
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SKU ADC13-26906_OHCC
From Old Masters to Expressionism
Martin Pedrick | Product Design Lead, Square

Location: 502 A
Date: Tuesday, November 05
Time: 3:15pm-3:45pm
Format: Session
Discipline: Design & UI
Track: Enterprise Apps, Lifestyle Apps
Vault Recording: Video

Our devices become more capable every year, with ever increasing performance, and higher resolution screens. This constant march forward enables designers and developers to paint increasingly detailed depictions of physical objects and interactions. As hardware has moved from monochrome, through color, and on to retina-level displays we've tried to one-up each other with ever more detail. Now that we can do so much, what do we do next? How do we design experiences in a world not limited by the physical? How do we move beyond static representations of objects from our past? Designing apps with wireframes and photo editing software isn't enough anymore, to answer these questions we need new tools. In this session, Martin Pedrick will share how new open source tools under construction at Square will help designers and developers make the most out of the new world of hardware capability.
Attendees will explore the design challenges and opportunities presented by constantly evolving hardware capacities and capabilities. They will understand why our simulations, as they more accurately model the real world, sometimes lose their appeal. Most of what app designers are building in this new world of hardware capability has no physical manifestation. Attendees will see how our existing design tools, which were not built for this new world, fall short of its demands, and will be presented with new tools.

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