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Fact And Fiction: Lessons From Wind-Up Knight And Rise Of The Blobs
Price $3.95
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SKU GDC13-24372_1KAGX
Fact and Fiction: Lessons from Wind-up Knight and Rise of the Blobs SPEAKER/S: Chris Pruett (Robot Invader) DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Tuesday 2:20- 2:45 Room 134, North Hall TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Smartphone & Tablet Games Summit / 25-Minute Lecture / All GDC VAULT RECORDING: Video DESCRIPTION: Everybody has a theory about what makes a successful mobile game, but how much of this conventional wisdom is really true? This session tests the validity of common "best practices" using two Robot Invader games, Wind-up Knight and Rise of the Blobs, as case studies. We will candidly discuss the development, critical, and financial reception of these two games across both iOS and Android. We scoured the Earth for information about what makes a great mobile game. Find out which bits of advice were right on the mark and which led us astray.

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