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Storefront > GDC Vault Store - Audio Recordings > GDC 2007
Commissioning Mobile Content: 10 Steps to Success
Speakers: Vincent Scheurer
Track: Mobile: Deals & Distribution
Format: Lecture
Experience Level: All
Description: This lecture describes the top 10 deal points to consider when commissioning mobile content. They include the eternal questions of how to define revenue shares, how to deal with feature creep and how to address delay. From commissioning a single piece of artwork to a full scale multi platform game project, addressing these issues in the commissioning contract is essential to ensuring the smooth running of a project.
Idea Takeaway: Attendees learn the top ten issues arising in mobile content commissioning deals, and how to address these so as to minimise the risk of project failure.
Intended Audience: All personnel involved in negotiating or managing the commissioning of mobile content, including managers and producers working for mobile game developers and mobile game publishers.
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