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Bringing Dead Trigger into Life
Price $3.95
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Weight 0 lb, 0 oz
SKU GDC12E-201208112
Bringing Dead Trigger into Life Speaker/s: Marek Rabas (Madfinger Games) and Petr Benysek (Madfinger Games) Day / Time / Location: Tuesday 11:00-12:00 Congress Saal 3, 4th Level Track / Duration / Format / Audience Level: Programming / 60-Minute / Lecture / All GDC Vault Recording: Video Recorded Description: Petr and Marek, friends and colleagues at Czech indie game developer Madfinger Games, approach this topic as an overall conclusion of development and management of the most recent game by Madfinger Games - Dead Trigger, appreciated especially because of its graphics quality. This session will take a step-by-step approach to describing how to develop such a game- beginning with early plans all the way through to cooperation with Unity or 3rd-party plugins. This includes talking about technology that the team used from previous projects (GOAP, player and weapon base, effects, pipelines), describing the evolution of design, story & generic gameplay and making AI behaviors, game flow and optimizations. Lastly, Marek will explain the decision making process when having to choose between freemium and paymium formats and share comments on the use of new technologies (NES, IAP, Cloud, shaders, limb dismemberment, social, GUI, tools and Unity extensions).

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