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Balancing Revenue vs. User Experience in Mobile Games
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Balancing Revenue vs. User Experience in Mobile Games
Ilja Goossens | Director, Chartboost

Location: Congress Saal 2
Date: Monday, August 19
Time: 13:00-13:25
Tracks: Business, Marketing & Management
Format: Session
Vault Recording: Video

Mobile developers have more tools than ever to help them market their mobile games and build a profitable business. However, developers need to carefully balance the business need to acquire new users and monetize them in a way that's conducive to their overall user experience. Chartboost's Ilja Goossens will discuss how mobile game marketing is evolving and what developers can do to capitalize on it. He will also share how developers can use data and analytics improve performance and share specific strategies used by successful developers around the world.

Attendees will leave this session with an understanding of the latest marketing tools available to mobile game developers to acquire new users and monetize, with examples of the specific strategies top developers are using today.

Intended Audience
There is no prerequisite knowledge for this session. However, it will be most beneficial for audience members who have experience with mobile games.

Ilja Goossens | Director, Chartboost
Ilja Goossens has been in the gaming industry since 2004. He has founded two game development companies - Virtual Fairground and Gamundo. In his career, Ilja has launched 5 independent titles and has worked with numerous established companies, such as Activision, Nickelodeon and Studio100, to create online and mobile games. In his spare time, Ilja works on his side project, a tablet first multiplayer game called Panzer Pets.

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