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Art Content Creation for the Next Generation Unreal Engine
Price $5.95
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SKU GDC-05-125
Art Content Creation for the Next Generation Unreal Engine,

Visual Arts, Lecture

Jerry O’Flaherty
, Epic Games

Pete Hayes
, Epic Games
The next generation of 3D engines for consoles and PCs are built around normal mapping and per-pixel lighting, and thus they bring a substantial change to the visual fidelity of game worlds and characters. New rendering pipelines allow for delivery of easily 100X visual complexity and detail over than the current generation – but with this added benefit comes a staggering increase in production costs. Artist efficiency, rather than technical engine limitations, has become the critical factor. In this talk, we’ll start by showing off assets from two of our unannounced, upcoming Unreal Engine 3 titles, to give the audience an idea of how high the bar will be raised with the new round of game engines. Then we’ll discuss the pipeline, scheduling, staffing, and tools used at Epic Games to rise to this new challenge. We’ll focus on ways to make sure the pipeline process stays on target, since longer production means mistakes are that much more expensive. From the artist’s perspective, this change will cause an industry upheaval like the 2D to 3D transition in the 1990s. We’ll explain how Epic’s staff has made the change to this new technology, and provide suggestions for how artists can prepare themselves for this upcoming career transition.

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