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ALAN WAKE: Light and Dark
Price $3.95
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Weight 0 lb, 0 oz
SKU GDC11-11421
ALAN WAKE: Light and Dark
Saku Lehtinen (Remedy Entertainment)
Thurs 3:00PM
ALAN WAKE: Light and Dark
SPEAKER/S: Saku Lehtinen (Remedy Entertainment)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 3:00- 4:00 Room 308, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Visual Arts / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Remedy spent 5+ years in creating a new game and franchise ALAN WAKE after MAX PAYNE. Art Director, Saku Lehtinen, speaks about the light and dark of ALAN WAKE from the metaphorical level to practicalities. We will learn about the multiple techniques behind the acclaimed atmosphere. What methods were used to convey the feeling of something more under the surface? How did the games basic themes echo in the design, technology and visuals in order to support the story and create a memorable gaming experience that would go under your skin?

TAKEAWAY: Attendees will hear about the development of the visuals of a psychological action thriller that aims to take the medium of games a step closer to maturity and push the envelope in storytelling.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: This session is most suited for art directors, game designers, artists and everybody interested in hearing about the design process of a story driven and ambitious AAA game.

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