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(305) SPORE's Wake: What Seriously Happened?
Price $7.95
Stock Unlimited
Weight 0 lb, 0 oz
SKU gdc09_8688
No matter your position in the games space there was little disagreement over the last few years that Will Wright's Spore would have a major impact. From within the context of serious games there were many unique issues that were predicted to arise, and a lot of potential was identified. SPORE, like many of Wright's other works, seemed poised to span a variety of usage contexts beyond entertainment. In doing so, it was potentially another step toward a world where a game's non-entertainment impact and its entertainment impact were both of equal interest to their respective constituencies. Now SPORE has shipped, and in the months that have passed since there's been a chance to comprehensively chart that impact. With the power of hindsight rather than conjecture we can now take a deeper look at the results of SPORE and what it can tell us about the future of games that speak (whether they intend to or not) to a possibility set larger then entertainment alone. In this interesting session Margaret Robertson (former editor of Edge magazine) who has spent many hours with SPORE and written prominently about the game will lead the audience through an investigation and analysis of what has happened since its launch of. Did it become a tool in the debate over intelligent design vs. evolution? Has SPORE created a new classroom tool for creativity? Or for teaching astronomy or other equally interesting avenues? This deeper look at the near-term legacy of this game offers us a unique chance to look critically not just at products like SPORE but at the field of serious games in general and more specifically at the notion of how certain titles spawned in the name of entertainment succeed and/or fail at being more then just entertaining media.

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