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GDC 2011 Category

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Game Markets in the Middle East: Opportunities and Challenges

SKU#: GDC11-12227
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Description: Game Markets in the Middle East: Opportunities and Challenges
SPEAKER/S: Oded Sharon (Corbomite Games) and Mahmoud Khasawneh (Quirkat)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 5:25- 6:00 Room 302, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Localization Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Many game developers and publishers have long viewed the Middle East as a difficult region for game content due to perceived sensitivities and political tensions. However, the reality is that the Middle East game market has grown exponentially year on year for the last 5 years, making it a viable choice for game localization. To that end, this presentation will address a brief overview of the Middle East market and its potential, provide examples of successfully localized titles - both within the region and external to the region, and demonstrate why game developers outside the Middle East should consider localization for this region.

IGDA Game Localization SIG Annual Meeting

SKU#: GDC11-12313
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Description: IGDA Game Localization SIG Annual Meeting
SPEAKER/S: Richard Honeywood (Independent)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 1:30- 2:30 Room 113, North Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Production / Roundtable
DESCRIPTION: The Game Localization SIG of the IGDA is a community dedicated to game localization professionals as well as anyone interested in localization issues. This session acts as the SIG's annual meeting in which the steering committee will update on current initiatives and goals, address ongoing challenges and allow for questions and answers from the SIG membership. We encourage attendees to come prepared to engage and interact, as well as bring any questions, suggestions or concerns about SIG activities. The session will be led by the SIG chair as well as the SIG steering committee members.

Localization and Development: A Love Story...That Leads to Great Business!

SKU#: GDC11-12385
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Description: Localization and Development: A Love Story...That Leads to Great Business!
SPEAKER/S: Gordon Walton (Playdom Austin) and Ian Mitchell (BioWare)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 3:00- 4:00 Room 302, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Localization Summit / Summit Keynote
DESCRIPTION: There is no doubting it, localization has become an essential part of the business of making games today. Our games have become more complex and our development cycles have become more aggressive so how do we ensure that localization gets the attention it deserves, without disrupting the development process? In this keynote, the value of a proper localization process will be discussed as an opportunity to align business and development goals. The rationale and methodologies for success in localizing modern AAA games will be covered and BioWare will present some ideas to help developers build a more effective and sustainable localization processes.

Localization and Development: A Love Story...That Leads to Great Business!

SKU#: GDC11-12385
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Description: Localization and Development: A Love Story...That Leads to Great Business!
SPEAKER/S: Gordon Walton (Playdom Austin) and Ian Mitchell (BioWare)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 3:00- 4:00 Room 302, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Localization Summit / Summit Keynote
DESCRIPTION: There is no doubting it, localization has become an essential part of the business of making games today. Our games have become more complex and our development cycles have become more aggressive so how do we ensure that localization gets the attention it deserves, without disrupting the development process? In this keynote, the value of a proper localization process will be discussed as an opportunity to align business and development goals. The rationale and methodologies for success in localizing modern AAA games will be covered and BioWare will present some ideas to help developers build a more effective and sustainable localization processes.

New Technology and New Interfaces: Localizing Video Games for Kinect

SKU#: GDC11-12386
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Description: New Technology and New Interfaces: Localizing Video Games for Kinect
SPEAKER/S: Kate Edwards (Englobe), Yumiko Murphy (Microsoft) and Lief Thompson (Microsoft)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 1:45- 2:45 Room 302, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Localization Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: The Kinect motion and voice control device from Microsoft has elevated the interaction between game players and game content into new territories. Given the new challenges this technology represents, this talk will highlight the differences between localizing Xbox 360 video games for Kinect and video games using a standard controller. The presentation will also delve into topics around adapting a completely new and evolving platform with new HW to an existing translation and test model, international testing, speech recognition (overview of Kinect voice and Name Your Animal voice feature loc plan, voice data collection application and process; implementing, testing and refining grammars for the game), as well as globalizing gestures.

The Data Cracker: Building a DEAD SPACE 2 Visual Game Analytic Tool

SKU#: GDC11-12162
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Description: The Data Cracker: Building a DEAD SPACE 2 Visual Game Analytic Tool
SPEAKER/S: Ben Medler (EA/Visceral Games)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 9:35-10:00 Room 308, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Production , Game Design / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Telemetry and analytics are currently hot topics, driven in part by the extensive use of web-style analytics by the social gaming powerhouses, but adoption of analytics in mainstream games tends to be more cocktail conversation than actual ongoing use. Working in an R&D capacity at EA, we tackled this problem by creating a visual analytic tool for the Dead Space 2 multiplayer team. This talk covers how we designed and created the tool, dubbed Data Cracker, and key lessons and insights learned from the building of this tool.

Cloning Social Games - Nothing New Here - or is There?

SKU#: GDC11-12158
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Description: Cloning Social Games - Nothing New Here - Or Is There?
SPEAKER/S: Sean Kane (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 9:00- 9:25 Room 308, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Business and Management / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: The cloning of social games is nothing new, but recent lawsuits around the issue have caught the attention of game developers and cloners alike. Original development and innovation can be expensive and cloning is hard to defend from a legal standpoint; however, protection is available using various IP strategies. This session offers a number of best practices that can be taken into consideration to help protect and monetize your valuable IP.

Cloning Social Games - Nothing New Here - or is There?

SKU#: GDC11-12158
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Description: Cloning Social Games - Nothing New Here - Or Is There?
SPEAKER/S: Sean Kane (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Thursday 9:00- 9:25 Room 308, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Business and Management / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: The cloning of social games is nothing new, but recent lawsuits around the issue have caught the attention of game developers and cloners alike. Original development and innovation can be expensive and cloning is hard to defend from a legal standpoint; however, protection is available using various IP strategies. This session offers a number of best practices that can be taken into consideration to help protect and monetize your valuable IP.

Level Design in a Day: Best Practices from the Best in the Business

SKU#: GDC11-12045
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Description: Level Design in a Day: Best Practices from the Best in the Business
SPEAKER/S: Neil Alphonso (Splash Damage), Matthias Worch (LucasArts), Coray Seifert (Arkadium), Jim Brown (Epic Games), Joel Burgess (Bethesda Softworks), Forrest Dowling (Irrational Games) and Ed Byrne ()
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 10:00- 6:00 Room 304, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Game Design , Production / Tutorial
DESCRIPTION: In this intense day-long tutorial, attendees will gain deep insights from some of the most experienced level designers in the industry, delving into every aspect of the level design process, from early concept and white-boxing to narrative design and level design metrics. This session brings back last-years highly-rated tutorial roster with an all-new line-up of best practices, lessons learned, interactive audience participation and case studies from BRINK to DEAD SPACE and GEARS OF WAR to FALLOUT 3.

Footsteps - An Informal Sound Study

SKU#: GDC11-12120
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Description: Footsteps - An Informal Sound Study
SPEAKER/S: Damian Kastbauer (Bay Area Sound)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Friday 10:05-10:30 Room 3011, West Hall 3rd Fl.
TRACK / FORMAT: Audio / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Footstep and movement sounds are a fundamental of today's video games. While not often the focus, these sounds can turn a walk in the park into a test of player patience due to repetition or lack of consideration for sounds heard during hours of gameplay. Using current generation example's focused on footsteps and movement sounds we'll gain a clearer understanding of the challenges and aesthetic choices involved with designing and implementing content and systems that are appropriate for today's large scale worlds.

Audio Localization: What You Need to Know

SKU#: GDC11-12368
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Description: Audio Localization: What You Need to Know
SPEAKER/S: Garry Taylor (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Friday 11:15-11:40 Room 3011, West Hall 3rd Fl.
TRACK / FORMAT: Audio / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: With the emergence of new markets, the number of languages we localize our games into is increasing all the time. This has big implications for your audio pipeline, including managing increasing amounts of audio files and ensuring the dialogue mix is good in every language. This talk looks at the localization process from an audio production point of view. It looks at the issues that usually arise when localizing large projects, from the perspective of both the development team and the localization agency, and possible solutions to those issues.

Dynamic Range and Mix Levels - Where We're at in 2011

SKU#: GDC11-12123
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Description: Dynamic Range and Mix Levels - Where We're at in 2011
SPEAKER/S: Tom Hays (Technicolor Interactive)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Friday 11:50-12:15 Room 3011, West Hall 3rd Fl.
TRACK / FORMAT: Audio / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: This session is about dynamics, headroom and mix levels in games. Well take a brief look at the idea of mix room calibration and talk about how it influences mix choices. Well also check out examples from a number of recent games, to hear how their mixes, dynamic ranges and overall levels compare. Well also look at how mix room setup likely influenced some of these products, and how they interact with specific technologies such as Dolby Digital.

Adding Realism to Environmental Reverberation Using Convolution: Are We There Yet?

SKU#: GDC11-12116
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Description: Adding Realism to Environmental Reverberation Using Convolution: Are We There Yet?
SPEAKER/S: Francois Thibault (Audiokinetic Inc.)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Friday 3:30- 4:30 Room 3011, West Hall 3rd Fl.
TRACK / FORMAT: Audio , Programming / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Providing a realistic simulation of the acoustics of different environments is an important part of the audio experience in games. Convolution reverb algorithms can be used to add realism to environmental reverberation, applying the exact acoustic signature of pre-recorded impulse responses of various spaces on dry sounds.

Many challenges arise when integrating convolution reverberation techniques into game audio pipelines. Several implementation strategies will be reviewed with respect to their audio latency, memory usage and CPU consumption. Solutions to these technical challenges will be detailed with real-world usage examples and a detailed performance analysis on several platforms will be presented.

Atmospheric Audio in GOD OF WAR 3

SKU#: GDC11-12124
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Description: Atmospheric Audio in GOD OF WAR 3
SPEAKER/S: Joanna Orland (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Friday 9:30- 9:55 Room 3011, West Hall 3rd Fl.
TRACK / FORMAT: Audio / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: This session will discuss the inspiration and process for the creation of the Surround Ambiences in GOD OF WAR 3.

While GOD OF WAR 3 production was based in Santa Monica, the ambiences were created in SCEEs London studio. As the sound designer in London, I didnt have access to any game builds, but had to work based on effective communication and abstract inspiration. We developed interesting ways of expressing a levels audio intention that ranged from creating ambiences based on a drawing to working to a video capture with the hope that it would work in the final game.

As well as the communication process, the creative process will be examined at great length. How do you make an entire levels ambience from a drawing? How do you go about turning your stereo ambiences into surround soundscapes? How do you mix so many abstract sounds into one file? All these questions will be answered and more.

Emerging Issues in Game Dev Deals – Building on the Present as We Careen into the Future

SKU#: GDC11-12085
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Description: Emerging Issues in Game Dev Deals - Building on the Present as We Careen into the Future
SPEAKER/S: David S Rosenbaum (Law Offices of David S Rosenbaum), Dan Offner (Loeb & Loeb LLP), Jim Charne (Law Offices James I Charne), Sebastien Motte (Microsoft Game Studios), Mark Stevens (Fenwick & West LLP), Konstantin Ewald (Osborne Clarke), Anthony Jacobson (Atari Inc.), Lisa Dubrow (Law Offices Lisa Dubrow), Mario Wyands (Sidhe), Dan Kelly (GameForge - Europe) and Jed Ritchey (Zynga)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 10:00- 6:00 Room 300, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Business and Management / Tutorial
DESCRIPTION: New technology and new platforms raise new issues for game developers and would-be publishers. The Internet, general availability of broadband, the G3/wireless networks, use of user generated content in a game provide opportunities for innovative, nimble companies that would have been unimaginable even five years ago.

But also raise new concerns that must be addressed in managing rights, liability, and risk.

This tutorial will start with the constants the issues that do not change in any deal then move into issues never considered when we were making basic console deals but are now part of the landscape when applied to emerging technology, platforms, and content.

Ethics for Developers

SKU#: GDC11-12237
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Description: Ethics for Developers
SPEAKER/S: Miguel Sicart (IT University of Copenhagen)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 11:15-11:40 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Being a game developer involves a series of ethical dilemmas. And creating games more and more involves engaging players through moral choices. This talk will present an outline of what ethical theories should be taught in game development programs. This talk will present the main ethical theories that all game developers should learn to address the ethical dilemmas in their day to day job. This talk will also explain how this knowledge can be used to produce more ethically challenging games.

Teaching Children to Program Games

SKU#: GDC11-12238
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Description: Teaching Children to Program Games
SPEAKER/S: Jill Denner (ETR Associates)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 1:45- 2:10 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: An increasing number of gaming environments are available for children to design and program their own computer games. However, educators who want to use these tools in their classrooms have little information about the benefits or limitations, or the learning outcomes associated with each. This lecture will draw on eight years of teaching middle school students to program games using four different programming environments. The speaker will describe a teaching method and what the students learn. She will also talk about the challenges and strategies for engaging girls and underrepresented minorities in computer game programming, including suggestions for new game authoring tools.

Building and Growing a Game Lab

SKU#: GDC11-12198
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Description: Building and Growing a Game Lab
SPEAKER/S: Michael Mateas (University of California, Santa Cruz), Celia Pearce (Georgia Institute of Technology), Clara Fernandez-Vara (Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab), Tracy Fullerton (USC School of Cinematic Arts) and Mary Flanagan (Tiltfactor Lab, Dartmouth College)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 10:00-11:00 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Panel
DESCRIPTION: This panel presents five case studies from different game laboratories, exploring their role in the curriculum and as a research venue. The examples include game labs in humanities/liberal arts departments, computer science departments and cinematic arts departments, and the recommendations can be easily extended to schools in a number of disciplines.

The presenters will address some of the following questions:
- What is a game lab? Why build a game lab?
- What are the requirements to set one up?
- What is the role of a game lab in the academic curriculum?
- How can be the activities of a game lab become part of research?
- How does a game lab enable/facilitate/manage collaboration between departments / institutions / countries / academia-industry?

Glitch Game Testers: Designing a Computer Learning Intervention with Young African American Men

SKU#: GDC11-12239
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Description: Glitch Game Testers: Designing a Computer Learning Intervention with Young African American Men
SPEAKER/S: Betsy James DiSalvo (Georgia Tech)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 2:20- 2:45 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: The Glitch Game Testers is a novel approach to leveraging interest in gaming into interest in learning computer science. By co-designing the learning intervention with the target audience, young African American males, we placed a priority on the audiences play practices and cultural values. The design implications from preliminary research helped us break from more common models of game education. The participants in Glitch are showing an interest in computing beyond what we anticipated which indicates that focusing on a targeted audience and their culture can assist in designing educational game interventions that are effective.

Glitch Game Testers: Designing a Computer Learning Intervention with Young African American Men

SKU#: GDC11-12239
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Description: Glitch Game Testers: Designing a Computer Learning Intervention with Young African American Men
SPEAKER/S: Betsy James DiSalvo (Georgia Tech)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 2:20- 2:45 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: The Glitch Game Testers is a novel approach to leveraging interest in gaming into interest in learning computer science. By co-designing the learning intervention with the target audience, young African American males, we placed a priority on the audiences play practices and cultural values. The design implications from preliminary research helped us break from more common models of game education. The participants in Glitch are showing an interest in computing beyond what we anticipated which indicates that focusing on a targeted audience and their culture can assist in designing educational game interventions that are effective.

Edu to Indy: Teaching Students Self-Reliance

SKU#: GDC11-12220
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Description: Edu to Indy: Teaching Students Self-Reliance
SPEAKER/S: Paul Bellezza (Riot Games) and Jeremy Gibson (USC - Interactive Media Division)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 3:00- 4:00 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: Most students dream of working on AAA titles at large game companies, but at some schools, there's a growing indie spirit leading students to start their own companies. Though this is a challenging and frightening path, it has become a sustainable reality for several University of Southern California alumni, including the founders of thatgamecompany, The Odd Gentlemen, and Codename. In this talk, USC faculty member Jeremy Gibson and Odd Gentlemen alumnus and co-founder Paul Bellezza explore how schools and individual teachers can encourage entrepreneurship in their students and help prepare them for indie greatness.

Teaching Children to Program Games

SKU#: GDC11-12238
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Description: Teaching Children to Program Games
SPEAKER/S: Jill Denner (ETR Associates)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 1:45- 2:10 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: An increasing number of gaming environments are available for children to design and program their own computer games. However, educators who want to use these tools in their classrooms have little information about the benefits or limitations, or the learning outcomes associated with each. This lecture will draw on eight years of teaching middle school students to program games using four different programming environments. The speaker will describe a teaching method and what the students learn. She will also talk about the challenges and strategies for engaging girls and underrepresented minorities in computer game programming, including suggestions for new game authoring tools.

Collaboration Across Disciplines and Programs

SKU#: GDC11-12240
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Description: Collaboration Across Disciplines and Programs
SPEAKER/S: Eric Zimmerman (Independent), Michael Sweet (Berklee College of Music), Matthew Weise (Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab), Tracy Fullerton (USC School of Cinematic Arts) and Colleen Macklin (Parsons the New School for Design)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 4:15- 5:15 Room 301, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: GDC Education Summit / Panel
DESCRIPTION: We all know the importance of the team in game development, but how do we make those teams an integral part of our education programs? Focusing on collaboration across campuses and disciplines, this panel of seasoned educators share ways they've successfully crafted connections both within their programs and with other institutions. Addressing the difficulties in coordination, the need for greater student communication and team-based engagement, this session provides a postmortem style look at creating collaborative learning environments.

As an open discussion of the different strategies universities are using to bring together the multi-dimensional aspects of game development (game design, art, sound, programming, etc) this panel provides a roadmap for programs hoping to initiate this real-world approach to game education.

New Challenges in MMO Localization: The GUILD WARS Franchise Revealed

SKU#: GDC11-12282
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Description: New Challenges in MMO Localization: The GUILD WARS Franchise Revealed
SPEAKER/S: Adam Vance (ArenaNet)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 10:00-11:00 Room 302, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Localization Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: This lecture will present the takeaways and challenges encountered by the ArenaNet International Product Team in localizing the MMO GUILD WARS and looking ahead to its sequel GUILD WARS 2. GUILD WARS is currently localized into nine European and Asian languages, making it one of the most widely localized MMOs. As MMOs grow larger and content volumes increase, standard game localization practices are evolving to meet the challenges of simultaneous releases across multiple languages. This requires localization teams to work closely with design and development in order to meet tight schedule milestones, and to manage growing complexities and dependencies in game development and multi-lingual support. Some of the areas we will focus on are internationalization in game development, the text and voice-over localization pipeline, customization for international markets and international product management, as well as the intersection of content localization and managing international player communities.

The Multilingual Audio Mystery Tour

SKU#: GDC11-12384
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Description: The Multilingual Audio Mystery Tour
SPEAKER/S: Andrea Ballista (Binari Sonori s.r.l), Roger Schoenberg (4-Real Intermedia), Danielle Hunt (Cup of Tea Productions), Cecile Irlinger (La Marque Rose) and Victor Alonso Lion (Pink Noise)
DAY / TIME / LOCATION: Monday 11:15-12:15 Room 302, South Hall
TRACK / FORMAT: Localization Summit / Lecture
DESCRIPTION: This session describes the whole international audio production process from the source to target languages and back to the audio assets integration, explaining all the different locale perspectives and explaining how to better keep the original ideas while properly tailoring them for the different locales. The speakers will detail how game character personalities, casting definition, actor management, script management, original recording session timings, audio recording constraints definitions according to audio engine, pre-production activities, source and target recording schedule, multiple batches and pick ups, post-production and pre-mastering activities, have an impact on time, budget and quality of the project.

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