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Why Now Is the Best Time Ever to Be a Game Developer

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Why Now Is the Best Time Ever to Be a Game Developer


SKU#: GDCN13-26873_DWRW

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Description: Why Now Is the Best Time Ever to Be a Game Developer
Kellee Santiago | Head of Developer Relations, OUYA
Julie Uhrman | Founder, CEO, OUYA

Location: Room 515 B
Date: Tuesday, November 05
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Format: Session
Discipline: Business & Marketing
Track: Next Generation Game Platforms, Independent Games
Vault Recording: Video

2013 marked the entry of brand new territory for game creators. Led by visionary entrepreneurs, industry veterans, support from the core community, and a few dreamers, a new wave of gaming hardware is filling the market from unexpected corners of the industry. Inspired by promising indie talent, frictionless online game stores, and new ways to fund development and sell games, these new hardware makers and game platforms are becoming a springboard of innovation, experimentation, and creativity for the gaming business. OUYA has been part of this rogue band since the beginning -- leaping into uncharted territory and steadily enabling a new generation of developers like Matt Thorson, Fayju, GoldenTricycle, Eric Froemling, Mighty Rabbit Studios, and others to get creativity into living rooms quicker, cheaper and with less red tape.
OUYA's founder and chief will explore the many opportunities opening up in 2013 and 2014 for all the various kinds of independent game creators.

GDC Vault Member Subscription - 12 Months

Price:$550.00 GDC Vault Subscription


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Description: GDC Vault is a trove of in-depth design, technical and inspirational talks and slides from the influencers of the game development industry, taken from over 20 years of the worldwide Game Developers Conferences. GDC Vault covers a range of developmental topics including game design, programming, audio, visual arts, business management, production, online games, and much more.
Prototyping Based Design: A Better, Faster Way to Design Your Game


SKU#: GDC10-10648

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Description: Prototyping Based Design: A Better, Faster Way to Design Your Game
Speaker: Lee Perry (Senior Gameplay Designer, Epic Games)
Date/Time: Friday (March 12, 2010) 4:30pm — 5:30pm
Location (room): Room 125, North Hall
Track: Game Design
Format: 60-minute Lecture
Experience Level: Intermediate

Session Description
The talk opens with discussing the problems of traditional paper and theory based design: Team members make assumptions about a design, communication breaks down easily, apathy about reading lengthy design bibles ensues, the instinct to excessively debate a design takes over, etc. These are challenges a designer can easily bypass with a functional prototype.

Raising The Bar: A Bioshock 2 Audio Post-Mortem


SKU#: GDC10-10656

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Description: Raising The Bar: A Bioshock 2 Audio Post-Mortem
Speaker: Michael Kamper (Audio Director, 2K Marin), Michael Csurics (Dialogue Supervisor, 2K Marin), Guy Somberg (Audio Programmer, 2K Marin)
Date/Time: Thursday (March 11, 2010) 4:30pm — 5:30pm
Location (room): Room 112, North Hall
Track: Audio
Format: 60-minute Panel
Experience Level: All

Session Description
The BioShock 2 audio team will discuss the complex challenge a return to the underwater city of Rapture presented. Discussions will cover overall concepts and scope, working with a dev team housed in four different time zones, which tools and solutions were implemented to overcome the multitude of technical challenges, and how the team tackled the casting, recording, and editing and international cast working from an intricate script.

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